working 1:1 with me

What is this?: Coaching, mentoring or a supportive thinking partner. We can work out together what blend of this works best for our sessions. This can be in person, on Zoom, on a walk, on the phone, in a park, or somewhere else you feel like.

I offer a free 30 minute chat (usually on Zoom) so we can speak about what you’re looking for. Email me here to set that up:

Who I like to work with: If you’re wanting to feel supported working out what is important to you and how that could be reflected better in how you are living and working. I support people in challenges and frustrations or stuck places. I also help individuals in finding ways to share themselves more with the world – whether that is through their online presence, artistic practice or offering/services. I particularly love working with people who are up for using mark making and other creative tools as part of the conversation, whether that is someone who already considers themselves creative or not.

How I like to work: 

  • We will slow down together, tuning in to what is happening beneath the surface of the hustle and bustle of day to day life. 
  • You will experience care and compassion alongside questions and gentle challenge. Things won’t always feel straight forward or easy, which will be an important part of the process of working together. 
  • We can use different forms of exploration and self expression: mark making, walking, breathing, pausing and talking. 
  • We can have goals, but will find other points of challenge and interest along the way.
  • We will practice honesty in how we are experiencing our sessions and I am open to adapting how we are working based on what is working/not working for you.

Cost: For individuals paying for themselves, my standard rate is £70 per hour session/£90 for 90 minutes. For organisations paying, the cost is £120 per hour. I take on a number of clients each year who can’t afford this rate, so send me an email and we can have a chat about it.

What people have said about working with me: 

“I like your quirkiness, your honesty, the purity in which you get to the point.. and also, your drawings and the way you engage so gently with people and their “thing”. Your coaching style is gentle, kind, and exploratory. You are also a deep thinker, which can be useful for clients who are ready to go there. We used our bodies in our sessions sometimes, and you were able to connect with it easily. The way you approach drawing is very helpful for people who think they can’t draw!” – KT, coaching client

Jo is a fantastic mentor, she is consistant, compassionate and knowledgeable. I always come away from a session with a fresh perspective and feel inspired. She has been instrumental in helping me to remove artistic blocks and stay mindful within my practice. She allows me to release judgement and to help focus my ideas and encourage my inner creative. Painting/creating together has also been very relaxing and thought provoking. I couldn’t recommend her enough!” – HS, mentoring client

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Find out about my other offers, here.