A couple of weeks ago, I was part of the Ambient Jam Collective from Entelechy Arts, running a day for the Deepening Creative Practice programme from The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR). It was an extra nice thing to find myself to be part of as I completed a 10-month coaching programme with TIHR at the end of 2022, and have been very intrigued by the creative practice programme.

I think it was one of the most relaxing days I’ve spent with a group of people. Not least because most of the day was spent in improvised non verbal movement, facilitated by Rebecca Swift (Creative Director at Entelechy) and other members of the Ambient Jam Collective, as well as researcher Heni Hale.

Entelechy artist Shane Waltener (and others – I’m not even sure of everyone who was involved and I don’t want to miss anyone!) had put lots of materials and long brushes and paints for us to use. The room we were in – The TIHR office 0 had quotes dotted around related to group dynamics.

We each took a personal object with us which we weren’t attached to – anything could happen to it. We didn’t have to explain why it was there. It was just there. Just like the whole group didn’t have to explain why we were there. We were just there.
The office space was lovely. Spacious and homely at the same time, it felt like a lot of care had been taken to make it a nice place to work and be a human. They provided us with a really nice lunch and hot drinks. The winter sunshine was filling the room, too.

Also alongside our movement and improvisations we had Merlin playing a variety of instruments. Us influenced by her and her influenced by us. Gahhhhhh it was such a treat.
It reminds me of why care – of objects and creatures – is so important in working together and life in general. And improvisation and spaces where you can move your body how you want to are so important for us individually and together, our nervous systems coregulating. And why words aren’t the be all and end all of spending time together and connecting.

Lots of appreciation to everyone involved. To find out more about the people, organisations and programmes I mention above, follow these links….
- Entelechy Arts – Ambient Jam Collective
- The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations – Deepening Creative Practice
- Shane Waltener
- Merlin Nova
- Heni Hale
I also posted about the day on instagram, here, which can help you find more of the people/groups involved.